Crash Matts Designed To Reduce Injuries From Bed Falls
Medpage Limited has collaborated with a leading UK manufacturer of crash matts to deliver a cost-effective tool for falls management strategies. The inclusion of the new TumbleCare full-length pressure mat sensor ensures that should a patient tumble out of bed, an alarm signal is generated to alert care staff to the incident, resulting in a recordable improvement to patient safety and service.
Crash mats act as a protective barrier, absorbing the impact of a fall and reducing the risk of serious injuries when a person tumbles out of bed. Beneficial for individuals who are at high risk of falling, such as older adults, patients recovering from surgery, or those with neurological conditions such as epilepsy.
Falls can pose significant risks, especially in healthcare settings and senior care facilities. Every year, thousands of people suffer injuries due to falls from beds and other furniture. To prevent these accidents and ensure the safety of patients and residents, it is essential to implement effective falls and safety management strategies.
- ✓ 1-Section mat compatible with full length internal pressure mat
- ✓ 3-Section mat compatible with cordless sensor for central zipped section
- ✓ Options include cabled and cordless falls pressure mat sensor
- ✓ Long range alarm signalling 400M to radio pagers
- ✓ Cabled or wireless nurse call interface connection